Tykesground strike again :-(
(too old to reply)
2007-09-23 15:34:56 UTC

A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.

A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.

She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds to her
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.

West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.

Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.

"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.

"The first we heard about anything was when the police arrived. It's a
terrible thing to happen."
2007-09-23 16:01:05 UTC
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds to her
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.
If the alleged culprit(s) have been arrested, why do the plods find it
necessary to imprison people in their own homes?

Come to that, is it even lawful to prevent someone from leaving their

x If you have been, did you object?
2007-09-23 16:05:22 UTC
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds to her
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.
If the alleged culprit(s) have been arrested, why do the plods find it
necessary to imprison people in their own homes?
Come to that, is it even lawful to prevent someone from leaving their
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction stick. So
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just opened the
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
2007-09-23 18:14:05 UTC
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds to her
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.
If the alleged culprit(s) have been arrested, why do the plods find it
necessary to imprison people in their own homes?
Come to that, is it even lawful to prevent someone from leaving their
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction stick. So
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just opened the
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
That would be a valid reason for taping off the crime scene; it is not
a valid reason for keeping people in their own houses and preventing
them from leaving.

x If you have been, were they officious?
2007-09-23 18:24:26 UTC
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds to her
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.
If the alleged culprit(s) have been arrested, why do the plods find it
necessary to imprison people in their own homes?
Come to that, is it even lawful to prevent someone from leaving their
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction stick. So
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just opened the
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
That would be a valid reason for taping off the crime scene; it is not
a valid reason for keeping people in their own houses and preventing
them from leaving.
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?

I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it increased the
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
Peter Hucker
2007-09-23 18:31:54 UTC
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds to her
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.
If the alleged culprit(s) have been arrested, why do the plods find it
necessary to imprison people in their own homes?
Come to that, is it even lawful to prevent someone from leaving their
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction stick. So
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just opened the
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
That would be a valid reason for taping off the crime scene; it is not
a valid reason for keeping people in their own houses and preventing
them from leaving.
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?
I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it increased the
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
It depends how long they kept them in.
This message has been brought to you by solar and wind power. Who needs the national grid?
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com

A little boy squirrel and a little girl squirrel were chattering and playing around when up comes a fox.
The girl squirrel dashed up a tree, but the boy squirrel stood his ground.
"You're pretty brave," said the fox. "Usually squirrels are afraid of me and run to the nearest tree!"
"Listen, bud," snarled the boy squirrel. "Did you ever try to climb a tree when you were in love?"
2007-09-23 18:36:18 UTC
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.
If the alleged culprit(s) have been arrested, why do the plods find it
necessary to imprison people in their own homes?
Come to that, is it even lawful to prevent someone from leaving their
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction stick. So
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just opened the
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
That would be a valid reason for taping off the crime scene; it is not
a valid reason for keeping people in their own houses and preventing
them from leaving.
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?
I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it increased the
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
It depends how long they kept them in.
As long as it takes, hopefully. It would take a real bastard to interfere
with the investigation of a child's murder just for the sake of popping down
to B&Q.

They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV for God's
sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or German occupation
or something.
Peter Hucker
2007-09-23 19:00:55 UTC
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by mentalguy2004
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction stick. So
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just opened the
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
That would be a valid reason for taping off the crime scene; it is not
a valid reason for keeping people in their own houses and preventing
them from leaving.
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?
I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it increased the
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
It depends how long they kept them in.
As long as it takes, hopefully. It would take a real bastard to interfere
with the investigation of a child's murder just for the sake of popping down
to B&Q.
They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV for God's
sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or German occupation
or something.
That's no excuse for the pigs to take longer than a few hours.
This message has been brought to you by solar and wind power. Who needs the national grid?
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
2007-09-23 19:06:23 UTC
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by mentalguy2004
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
That would be a valid reason for taping off the crime scene; it is not
a valid reason for keeping people in their own houses and preventing
them from leaving.
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?
I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
It depends how long they kept them in.
As long as it takes, hopefully. It would take a real bastard to interfere
with the investigation of a child's murder just for the sake of popping down
to B&Q.
They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV for God's
sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or German occupation
or something.
That's no excuse for the pigs to take longer than a few hours.
It takes as long as it takes.

Maybe if it was one of your kids stabbed to death, you'd like the Police to
make sure their investigation was as thorough as it could be.

What's your problem with the Police doing their jobs properly? Did they
catch you flashing in a public toilet or something?
Peter Hucker
2007-09-23 21:07:19 UTC
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?
I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
It depends how long they kept them in.
As long as it takes, hopefully. It would take a real bastard to interfere
with the investigation of a child's murder just for the sake of popping down
to B&Q.
They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV for God's
sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or German occupation
or something.
That's no excuse for the pigs to take longer than a few hours.
It takes as long as it takes.
Maybe if it was one of your kids stabbed to death, you'd like the Police to
make sure their investigation was as thorough as it could be.
Yes.... just like when someone crashes on a motorway they close the bloody thing completely instead of just pushing the wreckage onto the hard shoulder. You can count on a policeman to make a crisis into an unnecessary annoyance.
Post by mentalguy2004
What's your problem with the Police doing their jobs properly? Did they
catch you flashing in a public toilet or something?
Properly doesn't take all day.
This message has been brought to you by solar and wind power. Who needs the national grid?
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com

A Pan Am 727 flight waiting for start clearance in Munich overheard the following:
Lufthansa (in German): "Ground, what is our start clearance time?"
Ground (in English): "If you want an answer you must speak in English."
Lufthansa (in English): "I am a German, flying a German aeroplane, in Germany. Why must I speak English?"
Unknown voice from another plane (in a beautiful British accent): "Because you lost the bloody war."
2007-09-23 19:10:31 UTC
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV for
God's sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or
German occupation or something.
They've also got their back doors.
Post by Peter Hucker
That's no excuse for the pigs to take longer than a few hours.
Of course it isn't, <yawn>
Regards or otherwise,

Peter Hucker
2007-09-23 21:08:15 UTC
Post by Periander
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV for
God's sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or
German occupation or something.
They've also got their back doors.
Do you mean they should jump the fences and trample over other neighbour's lawns to get out?
Post by Periander
Post by Peter Hucker
That's no excuse for the pigs to take longer than a few hours.
Of course it isn't, <yawn>
Which means?
This message has been brought to you by solar and wind power. Who needs the national grid?
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com

"Oh god," sighed the wife one morning, "I'm convinced my mind is almost completely gone!"
Her husband looked up from the newspaper and commented,
"I'm not surprised: You've been giving me a piece of it every day for twenty years!"
2007-09-23 21:10:20 UTC
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by Periander
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV
for God's sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or
German occupation or something.
They've also got their back doors.
Do you mean they should jump the fences and trample over other
neighbour's lawns to get out?
Post by Periander
Post by Peter Hucker
That's no excuse for the pigs to take longer than a few hours.
Of course it isn't, <yawn>
Which means?
Means you're full of shit but I can't be bothered to call dynorod.
Regards or otherwise,

Peter Hucker
2007-09-23 21:27:30 UTC
Post by Periander
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by Periander
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV
for God's sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or
German occupation or something.
They've also got their back doors.
Do you mean they should jump the fences and trample over other
neighbour's lawns to get out?
Post by Periander
Post by Peter Hucker
That's no excuse for the pigs to take longer than a few hours.
Of course it isn't, <yawn>
Which means?
Means you're full of shit but I can't be bothered to call dynorod.
Why inconveneince others unnecessarily?
This message has been brought to you by solar and wind power. Who needs the national grid?
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com

"I can never fool my wife." the first complained.
"I turn off the car's engine and coast into the garage, take off my shoes, sneak upstairs, and undress in the bathroom.
But she always wakes up and yells at me for being out so late and leaving her alone."
"You got the wrong technique my friend." his buddy replied.
"I roar into the garage, slam the door, stomp up the steps, rub my hand on her ass and say, 'How about a little?'
She always pretends to be asleep."
2007-09-23 20:50:20 UTC
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by mentalguy2004
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction stick. So
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just opened the
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
That would be a valid reason for taping off the crime scene; it is not
a valid reason for keeping people in their own houses and preventing
them from leaving.
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?
I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it increased the
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
It depends how long they kept them in.
As long as it takes, hopefully. It would take a real bastard to interfere
with the investigation of a child's murder just for the sake of popping down
to B&Q.
They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV for God's
sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or German occupation
or something.
That's no excuse for the pigs to take longer than a few hours.
Yes it is, it's all about POWER - YOU VILL OBEY!
Moving things in still pictures!
Peter Hucker
2007-09-23 21:10:37 UTC
Post by ®i©ardo
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by Peter Hucker
Post by mentalguy2004
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?
I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it increased the
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
It depends how long they kept them in.
As long as it takes, hopefully. It would take a real bastard to interfere
with the investigation of a child's murder just for the sake of popping down
to B&Q.
They're in their own homes and have got electricity, water and TV for God's
sakes, it's not like they are living through the blitz or German occupation
or something.
That's no excuse for the pigs to take longer than a few hours.
Yes it is, it's all about POWER - YOU VILL OBEY!
This message has been brought to you by solar and wind power. Who needs the national grid?
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com

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2007-09-23 20:44:06 UTC
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds to her
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.
If the alleged culprit(s) have been arrested, why do the plods find it
necessary to imprison people in their own homes?
Come to that, is it even lawful to prevent someone from leaving their
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction stick. So
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just opened the
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
That would be a valid reason for taping off the crime scene; it is not
a valid reason for keeping people in their own houses and preventing
them from leaving.
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?
I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it increased the
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
And on any other day of the week?
Moving things in still pictures!
Peter Hucker
2007-09-23 21:12:48 UTC
Post by ®i©ardo
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by mentalguy2004
Post by T***@yahoo.co.uk
If the alleged culprit(s) have been arrested, why do the plods find it
necessary to imprison people in their own homes?
Come to that, is it even lawful to prevent someone from leaving their
Probably so that they can collect evidence and make a conviction stick. So
that people can't then say "oh what an incompetent load of plods, not even
picking up any evidence". Maybe it would be better if they just opened the
crime-scene up, let the locals trample over footprints, DNA etc, and kept
their fingers crossed for a confession from the murderer(s). Seems the
police will never win with some people.
That would be a valid reason for taping off the crime scene; it is not
a valid reason for keeping people in their own houses and preventing
them from leaving.
What if their gardens were part of that crime scene? The reports say that
the girl collapsed in the street, do the Police need people walking and
driving around and obliterating anything that could be used to convict the
killer of a 4 year old boy?
I'd be happy to stay indoors for a few hours on a Sunday if it increased the
likelihood of catching and/or convicting someone of such a crime.
And on any other day of the week?
Exactly - fucking up people's work is not on.
This message has been brought to you by solar and wind power. Who needs the national grid?
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com

Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of cheques.
2007-09-23 17:43:46 UTC
On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 16:34:56 +0100, in uk.politics.misc Jimmy
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds to her
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.
"The first we heard about anything was when the police arrived. It's a
terrible thing to happen."
The BBC video says that the neighbours are annoyed that they are getting more
information on this from the telly than from the police.

Why so mum about the two men, one 47?

Is court in session?

Peter Hucker
2007-09-23 18:15:54 UTC
Post by FACE
On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 16:34:56 +0100, in uk.politics.misc Jimmy
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds to her
chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one aged
47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right across
the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are not
being allowed out.
"The first we heard about anything was when the police arrived. It's a
terrible thing to happen."
The BBC video says that the neighbours are annoyed that they are getting more
information on this from the telly than from the police.
That's because reporters are nosy gits.
Post by FACE
Why so mum about the two men, one 47?
Is court in session?
This message has been brought to you by solar and wind power. Who needs the national grid?
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com

A guy visits his friend who has been hospitalized quite suddenly.
The friend is badly injured. Broken arm, black eye, grazes, two missing teeth, the lot.
"What's this, Jack? Yesterday I saw you downtown with a beautiful woman at your side."
"So did my wife."
John of Aix
2007-09-24 11:46:40 UTC
Post by FACE
On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 16:34:56 +0100, in uk.politics.misc Jimmy
Post by Jimmy
A four-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in West Yorkshire.
A 14-year-old girl was also seriously injured in the incident in Royd
Street, Slaithwaite, on Sunday afternoon.
She has been taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary with stab wounds
to her chest and stomach - her condition is described as serious.
West Yorkshire Police are treating the death as murder. Two men, one
aged 47, have been arrested in connection with the incident.
Neighbour Paul O'Shea said: "We are very shocked. It happened right
across the road from us.
"Seven or eight houses have been blocked off and the residents are
not being allowed out.
"The first we heard about anything was when the police arrived. It's
a terrible thing to happen."
The BBC video says that the neighbours are annoyed that they are
getting more information on this from the telly than from the police.
I doubt it. They are being told things on TV that is all, which everyone
knows is utter, projective bollocks most of the time. See the McCann
